is BREE ELAM from Olton, TX

"Bree the Better"
Here are some VERY important things you need to know about BREE THE BETTER
COW: Hey, Bree, what is your favorite food? BREE: Lasagna is pretty high up on my favorites list, it was always a request for birthday dinners ;) I also love curries, smoothies, nuts and other healthy foods… I’m always keen to try new foods so my favorite food tends to change regularly Oh and the crust of a loaf of bread straight from the oven with butter…definitely a weakness!
BREE IS OUR Registration & Ticket Coordinator...
COW: And your favorite dessert?
BREE: Anything dark chocolate lol, not milk, not white, has to be dark…pot de crème, mudcake, or just give me a block with roasted almonds freshly baked cookies and cake edges fresh from the oven are pretty high up there too
COW: And your favorite amusement park ride?
BREE: I haven’t really been on too many, so I figure the ones I repeat must
be my favourites… roller coasters (the big swirly ones) and the gravatron where you spin so fast your body sticks to the wall of the ride not sure I could do it as often as I used to when I was a teenager.
COW: Terrifying. Anyways, tell us about the worst injury you ever had when YOU were a little kid.
BREE: Flying off my bike and gouging up my knees really good…made for a
good scar!
COW: So how about your favorite song from church...and what's your favorite Bible verse?
BREE: My favourite worship song tends to change yearly, I love
music so much and at different times different songs hit my heart. I love a lot of the old hymns (especially when they’re revamped a little) they are so simple and pure in the way they worship God and how the authors saw God at work in so many situations. I love Toby Mac’s ‘Everything’ (at the moment), everytime I sing it or hear it, it reminds me that I can see Him in Everything and everything reminds me how much He loves me! I am a Child of God is another one…I love songs that remind me of who I am in Christ…no matter what the world is saying.
My favourite verse has gotta be Rom 8:28 And we KNOW that God causes EVERYTHING to work together for the GOOD of those who love God and are called according to HIS purpose for them. Once again a reminder that everything is in God’s hands, He doesn’t pick and choose…I love that!
COW: Tell us about your background in Children's Ministry? What has God placed on your heart that made you desire to minster to children?
BREE: I grew up in the church with my dad being the Sunday School Superintendent (In Australia Sunday School is Children’s Church) so when I got old enough to help I helped. This lead to teaching classes and then as an adult, my family worked in more ministry opportunities where I lead children’s character programs in schools and churches. I had the opportunity to go to China and teach children English for several weeks also. My husband and I have 5 kids and I’ve done a lot of babysitting for other families so my children’s ministry is now a daily activity
Meet Bree's husband, Tim the Great!